
In this blog cult group celebrates students--in their own creative world . We feature snaps,painting, creative works ,essays, stories, and poems that were created by students in our program. All material (c) Writes . If you wish to republish this work, please credit both the organization and the Student. This material may not be used in commercial ventures of any kind.

CTCS is a N.G.O., and your contributions are welcome.

mail id: cultgroup2008@gmail.com

Website: www.ctcsfamily.com

call @9335123465

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


Mothers are the sweetest gift from Gods to us. There is no way we can ever really thank our mother for all she does for us nevertheless we must make it a habit to keep reminding ourselves of the various sacrifices she made while raising us. Mothers' Day is the best time to say in words how much you love and care for your mum. You are the one person on this whole earth which understood me always, Thanks for being always when I needed you and basically when I was taking all my important decisions. So I want to say that- Love You Maa. Please be always with me.
A mothers like a ray of sunshine whose heart is just pure gold. A mother beams with happiness that'll never grow old. She'll stay in my heart forever As if she were inside we have shared so many things, we laughed, we smiled, we cried. I love my mother very much and still throughout the years we share the mother daughter love, and always when I fear, I know I'll always have my mother somewhere very near! And moreover I cannot see her only I can talk to her but I can feel her in my heart. My Mother is very special because I do not have Father and I got love of a Mother and a Father from my Mother itself so I really thanked her and I love you Maa. We are only two sisters and we both are not with her so we together want to say want- Ma, We wish we could tell you, Ma that how much you mean to us.... We have no words to say about how much we appreciate you... how much we admire you... how much we thank you for everything you've done.  We love you so much Ma... Thank you for all the things you have done for us. I may not understand you on some things but I know that you're only doing what you know is right for me. I thank God for giving you as my mom because there's no other mother who could replace you to me... "Thank you" may not be enough so receive my hug!  Mother is a part of God. Mother is a part of Love. Mother is a part of our Strength. Mother is a part of our Winning. Mother is a part of who direct us to right path to proceed. And...So on... I Love my Mother very much... Wish to god to take care of your health and always be happy.

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