
In this blog cult group celebrates students--in their own creative world . We feature snaps,painting, creative works ,essays, stories, and poems that were created by students in our program. All material (c) Writes . If you wish to republish this work, please credit both the organization and the Student. This material may not be used in commercial ventures of any kind.

CTCS is a N.G.O., and your contributions are welcome.

mail id: cultgroup2008@gmail.com

Website: www.ctcsfamily.com

call @9335123465

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


Dear Mother,
      You are the most beautiful part of my life. The strength that you give me when I am weak, when life seems directionless, the warmth your touch gives when the world seems cold, the wings you give me when my mind saphocates my conscience has all left in debted.i know within that for every tear out of my eyes there will be hundreds out of yours. Whatever I think, whatever I do would be nothing in front of the pain you took to bring me in this world just want you to know not only now I pray that I be your son all my seven birth to serve you to take care of you. Love you MA            

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