
In this blog cult group celebrates students--in their own creative world . We feature snaps,painting, creative works ,essays, stories, and poems that were created by students in our program. All material (c) Writes . If you wish to republish this work, please credit both the organization and the Student. This material may not be used in commercial ventures of any kind.

CTCS is a N.G.O., and your contributions are welcome.

mail id: cultgroup2008@gmail.com

Website: www.ctcsfamily.com

call @9335123465

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Make a brand of “Humanity”


Make a brand of “Humanity”
International brands are our first choice when it is a matter of clothes. We felt proud when we put on best fitted, new, attractive garments. But have you looked ever those eyes who never dream of any branded clothes but have desire to get at least piece of cloth to cover them? Let us make a brand of “humanity” for sake of people who are in need of clothes. A brand which will provide a cover, a smile and a hope to the people who are in need of help.
Gift your old clothes which are in good conditions but you are not going to wear them in future, to the people who are looking for a piece of clothes. If your old garments can prove as a gift, a smile and a protection from weather , it will cause no harm to us.
Join your hands and make a brand of humanity and gift your old clothes to the needy people

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