
In this blog cult group celebrates students--in their own creative world . We feature snaps,painting, creative works ,essays, stories, and poems that were created by students in our program. All material (c) Writes . If you wish to republish this work, please credit both the organization and the Student. This material may not be used in commercial ventures of any kind.

CTCS is a N.G.O., and your contributions are welcome.

mail id: cultgroup2008@gmail.com

Website: www.ctcsfamily.com

call @9335123465

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4th Round of Eco Manthan at Cochin on 14th February

"Promoting Tree as a gift" was successful on the Valentine's Day. Today the event was organised in Nirmala Higher Secondary School, Aluva, Cochin.

We conducted this event with the help of FEDERAL BANK as our event partner.

 Students from both Nirmana School and SCMS, Cochin participated in this event. The event was inaugurated by Sister Geeta, Principal of Nirmala School, Manoj Kumar (Founder of CULT GROUP), Rajib Bhowmik(Event Co-ordinator) and Rahul Kunwar(Member of CULT GROUP).

There were 4 events :
 Rang aur Hum(Drawing Competition),
 JAM(Just A Minute),
 Waste Management and
 Street Play.

The anchors of the event were Jyoti Priya Nayak and Praveen Dube.

The winners of JAM, Jr. Group(Class 3rd to 6th) are .


 Anahika Prasad-2nd
                                 (Class 7th to 9th) are
                                                        Liya-1st and Ann Marry-2nd
                                   Sr. Group(SCMS, Batch 18 PGDM) are
                                                                             Vinay-2nd and

The Winners of Drawing Competition
                                                           (Class 3rd to 6th) are Aliya and Jincy-1st

                                         and Anakha-2nd.

                                        (Class 7th to 9th) are Anna David-1st
                                          and Athulya-2nd.

                                                   (SCMS, Batch 18 PGDM) are Ashish-1st

                                                         , Nidhi-2nd and Naveen-3rd

For the awareness of this program we had 3 teams who conveyed the message to the audience through Street Play. They were very creative with a very strong and clear message about the environment.


In Waste Management the students made some useful products from waste materials using their creativity and conveyed how it can be used in various ways.

In the end the winners were awarded with Trophies and all the participants were given certificates and plants as memento.

WE would like to give our special thanks to FEDERAL BANK, Nirmala HSS, SCMS Students our Honorable Judge and last but not the least our members for coming together and making it a grand success

Tree as gift


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