
In this blog cult group celebrates students--in their own creative world . We feature snaps,painting, creative works ,essays, stories, and poems that were created by students in our program. All material (c) Writes . If you wish to republish this work, please credit both the organization and the Student. This material may not be used in commercial ventures of any kind.

CTCS is a N.G.O., and your contributions are welcome.

mail id: cultgroup2008@gmail.com

Website: www.ctcsfamily.com

call @9335123465

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


Competition Guidelines:


1. It is an off stage event.

2. Participants will bring their own drawing material ( colours,

drawing board, pencil etc.).

3. The topic will be given on the spot.

4. Only paper will be provided by us.

5. The painting should carry a proper meaning

regarding environmental issues .

6. Time Duration is one hour.

KITNA HAI DUM (JAM-Just A Minutte)

1. It is an on stage event.

2. The participants will perform a given activity for the maximum

number of time within one minute.

3. There will be three rounds of one minute .

4. The activity will be given on the spot.

5. It is an individual activity .


1. It is an off stage event .

2. The participants are expected to bring waste material (old news paper,old piece of cloth,plastic,thermacol) .

3. The participants have to make something useful out

of these old material .

4. The participants have to bring necessary

tools(gum,tape,scale,scissors) for this activity .

5. The time span for this activity will be 1 hour .

6. Judgment will be based creativity , best use of the material , time management .


1. This is an on stage activity .

2. It is an group activity of 6 to 10 members .

3. There can be two team each from junior and senior group .

4. The theme for the play has to be based on an environmental issue .

5. Performance will be for 10 minute .

6. Judgment will be based on co-ordination , message conveyed , acting .


• For registration please mail us on :
*   manojkumarscms@gmail.com
*   cultgroup2008@gmail.com


• The participant should bring their Identity card .

• Reporting time is 15 minute before of the event .


Rules & Regulations:
  1. There will be 3 participants in one team.(Class 9-12)
  2. It is of two rounds:
First Round:
    1. It is an offstage event.
    2. Question paper will be provided.
    3. Questions will be based on math, science and general awareness.
    4. Time Duration: 90 minutes

      Second Round:
a.      It is an on stage event.
b.      Only first round 5 winners will be allowed.
c.       Questions will be asked. 

Group Dance Contest

Rules & Regulations:
1. Entries to reach the organizing committee before 20th. JANUARY 2011.
2. Contest categories are Minor (6-10 years), Junior (11 – 16 years) and Senior (17 and above)
3. Maximum 10 & min 6 participants are allowed (maximum 2 off stage helpers are allowed).
 Song selections must be Bollywood or Indian Pop music only; medleys of such songs are
permitted. The duration of the song should be a minimum of 3 minutes and not exceed 5
minutes. There will be a penalty for exceeding the limit. CTCS is not responsible for any
malfunctions that may occur with your music.
4. Maximum time on and off stage is strictly 7 minutes.
5. No. participant can be a member of 2 teams (if found both the teams will be disqualified).
6 The participant must possess a back up CD in case of failure of the original CD.
7 One back up CD containing the name of the group and song must be submitted to us on or
   Before 20th. JANUARY2011
8 Original CD should be carried by the participants to the venue and present it to the organizers
while registering their names for the slots.
9 The format of the CD should be ‘audio’ only (data CD, mp3 CD will not be entertained).
10 The CD should contain only one track, which is to be played.
11 You are allowed to use free-standing decorations/props such as plants, small furniture, etc., that
can be set up in less than one minute. It is your responsibility to make sure the decorations do not
pose a safety hazard to the dancers and others.
12. No vulgarities or obscenities are allowed at this family event. Immediate disqualification of the
person (s) will result in event of such occurrence.
13. Prizes will be awarded for:
a) Best Costume
b) Best Choreography
c) Best Overall Performances

For further details contact Manoj Kumar . Mob:9335123465

e-mail: manojkumarscms@gmail.com    or    cultgroup2008@gmail.com

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